What causes indoor plant leaves to droop, and how can I fix the problem?
Indoor Plant Care | Care Techniques
Quick AnswerSpotted your leafy friend looking a bit droopy? It's time to play houseplant doctor! Could be too much or too little water, the wrong type of sunshine, a chilly draught, a lack of moisture in the air, damaged roots, or even a cheeky pest attack. Figure out the culprit, and you can sort your plant right out – a good drink, a change of scene, a bit of TLC... and it'll be perking up in no time!
Droopy leaves are a total downer. One day your Monstera is a queen, the next it's looking all sad and floppy. But don't worry – it's usually fixable! Let's play plant detective and bring that leafy friend back to life.
Why the Droop?
- Watering Woes: Top of the culprit list!
- Overwatering: Soggy soil chokes the roots. Yellowing leaves as well as droop are usually a sign of this. Solution: Let it dry out, then be more careful next time.
- Underwatering: Crispy, drooping leaves are a big clue. Solution: Give it a good drink (but don't drown it, of course!)
- Light Problems:
- Too Little: Plant gets weak and can't hold itself up. Solution: Gradually get it closer to a window, or use a grow light.
- Too Much: Scorched leaves sometimes droop too. Solution: A shadier spot is needed.
- Temperature Tantrums: Plants hate sudden changes
- Cold Draughts: Leaves often drop rather than just droop. Solution: Move it somewhere less breezy.
- Radiator Blast: Crispy AND droopy is the usual sign. Solution: Comfier spot needed, away from heat sources.
- Low Humidity: Tropical plants like Ferns often sulk if the air's too dry. Solution: Misting, pebble trays, or a humidifier will perk them up.
- Root Issues
- Repotting Shock: Damaged roots can cause droop. Solution: Be gentle when repotting, and give it time to recover.
- Rootbound: Droopiness + roots poking out the pot = time to repot! Solution: Bigger pot, fresh soil.
Little bugs sucking the life out of your plant WILL make it droop. Check for:
- Webbing (spider mites)
- Fluffy white blobs (mealybugs)
- Weird bumps (scale insects) Solution: Spray them with water for starters, then try neem oil or insecticidal soap. Separate the sick plant from healthy ones!
Need Help? We've Got Your Back
- Photo Diagnosis: Snap a pic of your sad plant (include the whole pot and soil, if possible) and email it to us for advice.
- Know Your Plant: "Monstera drooping" + a quick internet search gives loads of specific care guides
- Plant Geek Hotline: The Houseplant.co.uk team is obsessed with helping you succeed!
Don't Give Up!
Sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error to find the exact cause of the droop, but your plant is worth it! Remember:
- Early action is best! Keep a close eye on your plants
- We're here to support you every step of the way