Rating: 4/5

Good condition and nicely packaged

The plants were very well packed, which is just as well as the delivery driver does not know what 'this way up' means. They were all in good condition with just 2 damaged 'tails' on the mousetails plant, which is much better than most online plants I have had delivered. The plants are all in good condition, although the soil was very dry. I was a bit disappointed with the size of the plants. I am not sure how you measure the height of the plants, but one I ordered was meant to be 20 - 30 cms, so I was expecting quite a tall plant. The only way it could be considered as anywhere near 20 - 30 cms is if you include the pot too, which as the pot is 10 cm tall and the total including the pot is only 21 cms, seems a little 'off' for a plant at £25 I believe is a little steep. Same goes for the other plants - 2 at 10 - 20 cms that are not near the 10 cm minimum unless the pot is included. I did hunt through the web page to try to find out how you measure the height, but could not find anything that tells you. Perhaps it needs to be made a lot clearer how you measure the height, as receiving a plant where the plant itself only measures 11 cm when you expected a plant at 20 - 30 cms, isn't right.

Reviewed by: Corinne B.

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